Pre-Selling Secrets of 90% Sales Conversion Rates with the 5P’s!


Travis here:-)

Darn good to see you!

I’m gonna share how we get 50% to 90% sales conversions in the MojoVerse…on a regular basis. 

Before you read this short report…

Would ya do me a favor and think about how you’d fill the blank in the next sentence?

Never pitch your product until your prospect is sold on the _________!

Here’s the thing…

It doesn’t matter if you’re using webinars, phone calls, T3, live events, you name it.

Here’s a “normal” script I see…

It’s also a script for a 1 in 10 close ratio…or less.

(I have peeps on the regular tell me they’ve done 5, 10, 15 calls and sold nuttin’.)

Here’s it is:

“Hey, do you have this problem? Are you tired of _____? You should buy my shit, here’s why BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, testimonial, testimonial, testimonial BLAH, BLAH, guarantee, BLAH BLAH, buy it now because tomorrow it will be $2000 more, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.”

This script is common and it sucks.


They are pitching their product BEFORE the prospect is PRE-SOLD on the ________.

(Have you guessed it yet?)

Pre-sell this one thing FIRST…

…and TYPICAL close ratios go up to 50% in my experience.

Pre-sell 2 other things first…

…and you can sell 7 or 8 out of 10.

Pre-sell one MORE thing…

…and you can sell 9 outta 10 and even 10 for 10 in stretches.

So FOUR THINGS to pre-sell for 90% conversions.

If you can’t remember all that…

Then just remember to pre-sell the ______ before you pitch your product and you’ll go to 50% conversions.

The Biggest Stone (The Plan)

Have you made your guess?

Gave it the ‘ol college try?

I won’t keep you in suspense any longer:-)

Here’s the answer:

The one thing you need to pre-sell your prospects on, in order to get your close ratios to up 50% (or more) is…

Your PLAN.

What and how your solution is going to solve their problem.

One example is when I sell the Phoneless Sales Machine (PSM).

Lots of folks are selling high ticket masterminds and programs via phone calls, live events, and webinars…

And I show folks it can be done with just email and live chat – NO phone calls!

I’ve even McDonaldized the process to a specific series of emails…

PSM is for peeps who spend a lot of time doing live events, ‘strategy sessions’, or webbies. 

And like me they got weary of being on the phone all day and dreaded seeing another day full of little appointment bars on their calendar…it was too much like prison with 5 sales calls a day. 

Sell without Phone Calls. 

Is the big plan.

More specifically…

Give them an alternative to being on the stage, phone, or webinar.


Selling big ticket stuff by email and live chat in 3 steps we call Taps.  

Tap 1:  Get the RIGHT people to raise their hand and reply.

Tap 2: Qualify conversationally and quickly.

Tap 3: Deliver their offer in a Google Doc or Notepad file and “tap” them in.

Make sense?

Think of sales conversion as jumping across a river…

On one side is the prospect and their problem.

The other side is the solution (your product).

As we talked about earlier, a lot of marketers will say: 

“Are you on the side of the river with all the wolves? Are you exhausted from staying awake all night fending them off and fearing for your life?

Come over to my side of the river. I’ve got plenty of shelter and protection!

(AKA – “Buy My Shit”)

And check this out! Johnny came over yesterday and he’s never been happier!”

“Suzy was a mess before she came over. When she got here, her clothes were tattered, she was nearly delirious from the heat and so hangry she made grown men cry every time she spoke… 

But now Suzy’s fed, rested, and got some clean clothes… She’s the Activities Coordinator for our safe little community.”

Now don’t get me wrong, many marketers have great solutions to prospect’s problems.

That’s why we like talking about ‘em so much:-)

But we often spend so much time talking about how great our side of the river is, we don’t hear our prospect’s yells for help about the rapids.


Now, give the picture above another good look, would ya?

See how wide the river is?

It’s a pretty big jump to go right from their problem to our solution, isn’t it?


Maybe 10% or less? 

And that’s why many marketers’ conversion rates are 10% or less!

Lemme ask you.

…How much easier would it be to get across if there was a rock or boulder in the middle?

The ‘large boulder’ in the middle of the river is the plan.

If our prospects can see The Plan Boulder and jump on first, they are 50% across the river. What you’ll see is they BUY 50% of the time when they are PRE-SOLD on THE PLAN!

Not bad, right?

5 out of 10 make it to our side and buy?

Now, 50% is nothing to shake a stick at…

But, can we do better?


AND if we have a product/solution that really works, I personally think we’re doing a disservice to people by not getting everyone we can to use it.

Put another way…

If this river were a real situation, no one would feel good about leaving even one person stranded on the wolf side of the river.

What can we do to get more than half the people to our side?

What if, instead of having one big boulder in the middle of the river…

We made something like this:

Giving our prospects multiple ‘stones’ to walk on so crossing is a safe and clear path.

How do we go from one big ‘Plan Boulder’ to multiple stones our prospects can conveniently follow to get to our solution?

The Personality and Philosophy Stones

If you look at the image above, you’ll see the first step is your prospect’s problem.

We’re not going to spend time on the problem here.

You’ve done the research on your prospect’s biggest problems, and your product solves them… Right?

Instead, let’s add some other stones to the river so prospects aren’t playing Marco Polo trying to cross the river.

There’s one big idea I want to get across to you about personality.

It’s not about getting everyone to like you.

Personality isn’t about bikini pics or fancy cars.

I have a junior high sense of humor and I like TV.

(I know I’ll never be successful.)

Breaking Bad and Ozark are two of my favorite shows.

Watching TV might turn off the Gary Vee types who are all hustle. 

That’s OK.

Everyone’s different.

My audience and his audience aren’t the same people.

Which is the point I’m hoping you hear.

No matter what your personality – you’ll attract some and repel others.

With or without Instagram shots of the junk in your trunk.

All that said…

The best way (in my opinion) to show your personality?

Help people get past a small challenge. 

Ideally a small challenge on the road to your prospects solution.

(An example of this could be helping  someone who wants to be an author come up with the title of their book, or write the book’s outline.)

This way the prospect see’s your leadership ability and personality as they make progress toward their goal.

Another nice benefit?

When they get over their small hurdle…

There’ll likely be another obstacle they’ll need help to get past.

Since you just helped them with a hurdle?

You’ll be the most likely person they turn to for help to get past this new problem.


What’s your philosophy on life, business, your plan, etc.?

I like to think of myself as having a ‘funny stoic’ philosophy.

For example, I’m all about commitment, but at the same time, I don’t like to take life too seriously.

When I fix business problems, I find the best thing to do is get the car off the curb, then start steering.

Test things, but never take your own opinions on what should work too seriously. 

The market is going to tell you what it likes and doesn’t.

Following me?

When you put philosophy together with personality, your prospects get a pretty complete picture of you.

Combine your personality and philosophy with a plan to help people solve their problems?

You’re looking at 60% – 80% conversion rate.

But how do you get the close rate up to 90%?

Keep reading 🙂

(I’ve included a worksheet so you can deeply think about, and write down your philosophy. Writing it down helps solidify your philosophy so when you’re not sure if you should talk about an idea – you can go back to your philosophy to decide.)

Price (the Final Stone)

Price is the stone skipped over most often.

However, if you presell your prospects on price…

…Or better yet, anchor an even higher price…

And demonstrate your product is worth the higher price…

90% of the people who raise their hand saying “I’m interested” will turn into ‘I’m in!’ and sales. 

By letting customers know your price early, you give prospects time to ‘eat the price tag elephant’, and give yourself time to show why your solution is MUCH CHEAPER than the cost of keeping the problem. 

I’ve had times when 10 people say they want a product, and I’ve sold 11 spots!

A prospect wanted to bring a partner with them.

It doesn’t happen every time, but it’s sure nice when it does:-)

Know what else is funny?

I barely talk about the product at all.

We talk about the prospect’s problems and the plan to help them.

There are times when the customer tells me they’re in, pay my invoice, and right before we’re ending our chat say “So how do we do this?”

Consider getting this tattooed on your forehead…(not really, but it’s important).

The product doesn’t matter as much as we think it does.

And if you’ve still got space for more ink…

Give prospects time to chew (your price).

The 5 P’s of Preselling

– Problem
– Personality
– Philosophy
– Plan
– Price

When you pre-sell all of them in your marketing, you can have 90%+ of your prospects close.

But if you were going to only use one?

Start with the plan.


Never sell your product until your prospects are sold on the plan!

Rooting for ya,
Travis Sago

P.S. Some might ask, “Where does the Promise fit in?” I bundle in the Plan/Promise together. Phoneless Sales Machine is the Plan and Promise bundled together.

For more free stuff, check out: Set for Life in 6 Months


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