Phoneless Sales Machine

Generate 5 to 6 figure paydays using 6th grade simple-to-write messages WITHOUT Sales Calls, VSLs, or Webinars…

With the Phoneless Sales Machine, you’re getting everything you need to learn how to take your email lists, FB groups, and webinar registration/attendee lists and generate 5 to 6 figure paydays with 6th grade simple-to-write messages and WITHOUT needing VSLs, Webinars or phone calls.

(We use the T3 part of the Phoneless Sales Machine. I call it T3 because we use 3 EMAILS/Messages to Tap, Tap, Tap sales in from $500 sales to $50,000+ sales.)

As Tappers we often TAP big ticket sales in by email or FB Messenger, in less time than it takes to schedule a phone call.

“Tapping in” (closing) big ticket sales in under 10 minutes is pretty darn typical. 

It’s UNLIKE ANYTHING you’ve likely ever seen.

You and I will go over everything you need to run this for yourself (or OTHERS if you choose.)…

You’ll also walk away knowing:

*How to save yourself time and a fortune in commission by hiring TAPPERS to tap in your sales for you. I pay my Tappers $20 an hour VERSUS paying sales peeps 20% commission. Because they tap by email and messenger…Tappers can work with 5+ prospects at a time too. I often say my one tapper does the work of 4 or 5 sales peeps. 

*How to turn your audience email list/FB Group into passive income (I’ve mastered continuity, earned millions and have helped many others crush with continuity- NOBODY teaches this.)

*6 Figure 2nd Helping Campaigns: We sent ONE email for a 2nd helping campaign to a list of 136 buyers and rang in $120,000 in additional sales. We would’ve sent another email, but we filled up the spots. If ALL you did was run this super simple 2nd Helping Campaign and did 1/10th as well as we did, I bet you’d be tempted to call your momma! (We’ve had clients who are so excited they show  their mom’s their results!) 

*If you WANT to sell by phone: Secrets to getting more applications than you can handle for high ticket products and services. (Not kidding, I’ve had clients that have to STOP mailing so their team can catch up.)

*How to outsource your email writing. Because Email Mojo doesn’t need great writing skills it’s much easier (and cheaper) to hire out than you might imagine.

*Don’t have an email list or FB group? Audience owner’s will happily pay you 30% to 50% of their profits if you just run it for them. I’ve got a whole agency and this is all we do! If you decide you want to do this, later on, I’ll show you how we get them to “turn over” their lists to us. It’s the easiest yesses and biggest fees I’ve ever been paid.

*Frameworks, examples and templates galore and more. IMPORTANT BENEFIT: You’re also getting a license to use this for YOUR BUSINESS ONLY…LICENSING: With permanent licensing rights to use the emails and templates for you and/or your clients the heavy lifting is already done for you. 

Whether you want to write the emails yourself or hire a writer to tweak the templates, you’ll leverage these emails, messages and templates and watch the sales roll in time after time. The emails and templates are TESTED and are proven income producers. 

Just ONE of the emails you’ll pull out of your quiver has clocked in over $500,000 of sales and income. (If you decide later you want to do this for others as an agency, we’ll work out a licensing arrangement where you can pay as you go.)

Now…if I were you…

I’d imagine you’ve gotta bunch-o questions. At the risk of writing the Magna Carta…I’m going to answer some questions I’m sure you have below.

**Do I need to be a great writer?

You don’t. In fact, if you are a great writer, it usually hurts more than it helps. I am going to be sharing my 3-track-trance-method. Every person has a CHILD, PARENT AND ADULT track running in their head. When you speak to all 3 tracks at the same time, in the right sequence and using the correct tone…you’ll be able to trigger buying…even if you write at a 6th grade level. It really is simple and easy.

***How big does my (or my client’s) audience need to be?

EMAIL: You need to be able to get at LEAST 500 people to OPEN. I don’t care about your overall list size…but you must have at least 500 openers.

FB GROUP: Ideally, you’ll have at least 500  people in your group. We’ve done 6 figure campaigns with less, but I want to ensure your success and be on the safe side.

And they can’t HATE YOU…it’s okay if they are lukewarm…but if you’ve burned them…no amount of mojo in the world is gonna fix that.

If you’ve got 500 openers…ON AVERAGE…historically a Phoneless Sales campaign can bring in from $20 to $50 PER OPEN over the entire campaign. So on a 500 open size that’s $10k to $25k…please break out your abacus for larger opens 🙂 Yes! the numbers get really exciting!

***Do I need my own product?

It helps. We find great results for Phoneless Sales campaigns in the $500 to $5000 range.

I will be sharing what I call MEDIUM TICKET MOJO and I’ll work with you to come up with a $500 to $2000 product in about 2 hours. Just in case you don’t have your own offer or need to bump your price.

Of course…we can sell someone else’s product.

Also…with some Email Mojo and a little elbow grease you can sell just about anything… services, products, digital, workshops, etc…

***Will Phoneless Sales Machine work in my industry?

I’ve run this across dozens of industries and had tremendous success.

As long as there are PEOPLE with problems on your email list, PSM will work because we simply tap into psychology which really never changes.

***Are there any bonuses?

You bet, you’re also getting the ONLINE version of Big Ticket Email Mojo so you can get started BEFORE our Zoom event.

(This has sold for $6k to $8k)

Your Big Ticket Email Mojo access includes RAPID BONDING MOJO which warms up and PRE-SELLS your subscribers on your big ticket programs.

You get CHAT MOJO. We are closing $5k, $8k and even $12k programs by combining email and LIVE CHAT on our order forms. 

My students LOVE closing deals by live chat in under 10 minutes. You (or your Tapper) can also handle 3 to 5 chats at one time!

Chat Mojo is a game changer. Again, it’s much easier to hire and train a chat agent at $20 an hour than to train a commissioned sales person and pay 20% commish.

What excites me most is that one chat agent can do the work of 3 or 4 sales peeps because they can handle more than one chat at a time.

My students make their entire investment back in ONE CHAT, lol. It’s the craziest darn thing.

****How much it be?

If you’ve got at least 300 email opens or 200 members in an FB Group…it will cost you a FORTUNE to miss. (Do the math above.)

With that said…

Your investment for the Phoneless Sales Machine is a $4k deposit and then $5k AFTER you put your first $50,000 in the bank using the Phoneless Sales Machine…

…most of my students make their deposit back in one or two emails give or take as long as they’ve got 500 openers/FB Group Members and a $500 product. (or a $1000 product they’re promoting as an affiliate at 50% commish.)

I am putting you on the honor system and trust you’ll be ecstatic to send me the $5k balance after you deposit $50k or more in your bank account. 

***Is there a guarantee?

There is. I believe in earning my keep and keeping my promises to people.

I will work with you until you’ve made at LEAST $10k no matter how long it takes AS LONG AS you are actually sending the emails running your campaigns.

(Remember, I also have a vested interest in making sure you hit $50k in sales.)

In other words, you can’t take any action and come back 7 years from now and ask me to work with you.

But, come in, and send the emails/messages, if we don’t hit your $10k on your first campaign, I’m happy to help you dial in your offer or troubleshoot – whatever it takes until you do hit $10k.

Then, you’ll have the SKILL and ABILITY to create cash flow at will from just about any audience regardless of what the economy is doing or how Facebook changes, etc.


****How do I get a spot?

If you’ve read the questions above and meet the requirements just reach out to me on Facebook

Then I’ll get you set up.

First come…first served.

I am limiting this so I can give you the personal attention you need.

Rooting For Ya,


I’d love to mix mojo with you in the Million Dollar Offer Mojo group on Facebook here:

Pop in and say, “Howdy!”